Friday, February 20, 2009

When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.

There has been a situation brewing in Matthew's class that has reached fever pitch. I am done and have dealing with it for almost three weeks. There is a new boy in the class. We'll call him "Billy" (after this episode He seemed like a good enough kid, but slowly reports of him having MAJOR meltdowns began to surface. For example, the room having to be evacuated, chairs being thrown, the fish tank being relocated due to it may become a victim of this child, food being thrown...I think you get the idea. Doug and I were concerned, didn't want to be to judgemental, thought billy was getting adjusted to a new school, new surroundings. Well, not so much. This kid is a terror. A nightmare. He is destructive and violent. He is so violent and destructive that mom and dad have two other little ones at home, that they don't want the kid home because he might hurt the other two. After hearing Matthew tell us countless stories of how he is learning at school to get out of the room to be safe, I was ALL DONE. The next morning, Doug and I had a meeting with Matthew's teacher, the principal, the asst. principal, and another concerned parent. We aired out our concerns and they shared that they are trying to get the child moved to another school all together. Here is the kicker...the parents moved here from another state. They specifically moved to El Dorado to place their son in this class for autistic children. They met with the school, checked it out, and voila, here the child is. The school never got any paperwork explaining this kids diagnosis. Paperwork has trickled in and lo and behold, the kid is not autistic, HE IS EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED. Yeah, duped! The parents LIED to get their kid into this class. Now because the kid is in this class, it is taking an act of congress to get him out. All sorts of meetings, letters, calls, you name it, the other parents (including myself) are jumping through hoops to get the kid out. There is a light at the end of the tunnel though, it looks like this might be resolved in a week. These dumb ass, lying parents need to sign off on their kid to go this other school (which is a behavioral health school-go figure). Until then, I hate taking Matthew to school. When your child comes home and tells you how he had to go to another class to be safe, or he tells you that he is afraid of billy and doesn't want him coming to his house because he will destroy it, or even worse, when he tells you that he is afraid billy will hurt his teachers. IT KILLS ME. I am hoping that these parents will sign on the damn dotted line and get this kid out of this school and into an environment that will help him. Until then, these parents better pray this kid doesn't mess with Matthew, god help them.

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