Saturday, February 21, 2009

Dooce did this on her blog, Jen did this on her blog, and I had to copy as well. A little info for my LEGIONS of readers.

What are your middle names?
Mine is Shannon and Doug's is Wayne.

How long have you been together?
We've been together 9 years and 7 mos. We have been married for 5 years.

How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Oh god, this is a weird story. Doug and I met when he was living with Uncle Carlos' girlfriend Jane. They were roomates. I was...younger. We did not know each other long before we started dating...pregnant...isn't that the same thing?

Who asked whom out?
He asked me.

How old are each of you?
I'm 32, he's OLD 45. It is a 13 year age difference.

Whose siblings do you see the most?

Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Our kids, money, the shop.

Did you go to the same school?

Are you from the same home town?
No. Doug is from podunk Colorado and I'm from Santa Fe.

Who is smarter?
Honestly, not sure. I remember things like you would not believe and I can multi task like no one's business. Doug...drives me nuts. Not fast on computer, remembers NOTHING, and is horrible at names, yet can solve a complex math problem. Drives me nuts.

Who is the most sensitive?
I cry the easiest.

Where do you eat out most as a couple?
Rio Chama. Love the people, they know us, and it is such good comfort food.

Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
New York City

Who has the craziest exes?
Uh, Doug. Enough said.

Who has the worst temper?
Doug. Enough said.

Who does the cooking?
Me. I love cooking. It is soothing to me.

Who is the neat-freak?
Me. I like things tidy. Doug could leave his clothes on the chair forever.

Who is more stubborn?
Did I mention my maiden name is Gonzales?

Who hogs the bed?
Me. I love my bed. I love my blankets. I love my pillows. I prefer to sleep alone.

Who wakes up earlier?

Where was your first date?
El Farol. We saw Tom Petty and I just about passed out. I love him!

Who is more jealous?
Neither of us.

How long did it take to get serious?
Let's see...Matthew was conceived when? I guess that made us serious.

Who eats more?
Doug. I don't understand how he eats non stop and barely gains weight. I look at food and 10 pounds magically appear on me.

Who does the laundry?
Uh, me. Someone can't figure out sorting clothes.

Who's better with the computer?
Me. Doug is WAY slow on the computer. Drives me nuts.

Who drives when you are together?
Me. The man drives insanely slow and can not navigate as well as I can.

1 comment:

Jeni Angel said...

Oh you crazy kids! So cute.