Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I am very angry these days. The situation with Matthews school should be resolved as of tomorrow. In the mean time though, on Monday there was an incident on the playground where a girl was playing with Matthew. Things took a turn for the worse and she was chasing him and pulled his hoodie and it made him choke and she spit on him. Yes, you read this correctly. SHE SPIT ON HIM. It gets worse, my mom picks the boys up from school that day and no, NO ONE THOUGHT TO TELL HER WHAT HAPPENED ON THE PLAYGROUND. Doug had to hear about it the next morning when the teacher asked (quite casually by the way), "Did Matthew say anything to you about what happened on the playground yesterday?" I felt bad for Doug, becuase he had to call me and tell me about it. I blew. I flipped out and was yelling and crying. Then I had to go to class. Nevertheless, my heart wasn't into my angel food cake. During class all I could think about what a bad mom I am and how bad of a job I am doing balancing my life. I hate the fact my son is having these problems at school. I want to scream and yell at his teachers.

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