Thursday, July 9, 2009

And then there was Blah

I'm tired. I'm cranky. I am tired of people. Just got back from a nice vacation. In laws came into town the very next day. I have what seems like a million things to do and of course no time to do them. I'm in dire need of a haircut (of course, as usual my sister has taken care of it for me. What the hell I would do with out her, god only knows). I'm in dire need of a facial.

This weekend will hopefully be a chance to relax and do nothing. Baking. Yes, there will be baking.

1 comment:

Jeni Angel said...

Well wonders never cease.

I haven't seen your hair, but I can readily agree that you need a haircut.

And if you get a facial. . . well I'll hate you cause I haven't had one in 10 years. And you are CLEARLY not allowed to have things I can't have.