Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Yeah, I'm still here

I know, I know. I haven't been here in forever. I could come up with a long list of excuses, but really, why bother? I will offer snippets of what is going on.

Seattle Trip-Had so much fun with Jen and Sam. It was relaxing. It was nice to hang out and laugh and talk. It's not like we did anything earth shattering, but I loved every minute of the trip. My heart started to hurt on the way to the airport. I hate goodbyes. I will get to see Jen again in May for graduation marathon, so that is a comfort.

School-Started a class that begins at 6 am. YES, 6 am. Three days a week I get up at 5 and go to school. I really love the class. So far I have made danishes, cinnamon rolls, croissants, scones, muffins, and next week I will learn english muffins. One of the best parts of this class is my chef instructor makes us breakfast at least once a week. OH MY GOD, they are so good. This morning we had eggs benedict. It was so good. Seriously, so good. The other perk of being at school at 5:50, I get Gonzales parking every morning.

School II-I just finished a chocolate and sugar class. The chef that taught the class was brilliant! He is the owner of Kakawa Chocolate House ( B R I L L I A N T! I learned so much and had so much fun in his class. I was sad to see it end.

Kids-The boys are doing well. Michael has started little league again. He is still a Stinger. He is very excited about baseball. He now also has homework every night in preparation for FIRST GRADE. Yes, FIRST GRADE. I can't believe his kindergarten year is almost over. First grade...where does the time go? Matthew is doing well. We just got some testing back in regards to him. Some disappointing news, some surprising news. Since I'm not sure who reads this blog, those of you who need to know about it will, and those of you who don't need to know about it won't.

Some generally reminders...April is Autism Month. For some of us though, every month is Autism Month. I won't ask for a donation to Autism Speaks (, I ask for your compassion. Please, when you are at the store, the mall, just out, and you see a child that doesn't speak clearly, or is crying, or you see a mom and dad near tears while trying to get out of a public place with a child having a meltdown, have compassion. Don't judge. No matter how far along we have come in our journey, I can see the look on people's faces when Matthew speaks or if he is having a bad day. I can see them judging myself and my child. Have compassion people. Offer a smile, or hell, walk up to the parent and see if you can help. On April 25 the New Mexico Autism Society is going to have their first walk/run in Albuquerque. If you can attend, please do ( May 2nd is also Autism night at Isotopes Stadium.

I can't wait to see my family in May...

1 comment:

Jeni Angel said...

I don't know anything. Somehow I'm not in the know?? Wow.