Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Today I am grateful for...

A few weeks ago I was in a stationary store that had some very pretty journals. I have always wanted to keep a journal/diary of some sort, but I could never get started. The store had this handout, "How to Start Journaling" and I snagged it. This evening, alone with the boys and finally having a little time to myself, I decided to start a blog and yes, I am using this handout. It is somewhat lame, but I feel disconnected from some of the people in my life.

I want the people I love the most to know what I am doing, feeling and I want you to see my life. I know I get caught up in the shop, my kids, my upcoming school, etc. I don't always call and my email skills are questionable. I believe with this handout, it will keep me inspired to keep a (somewhat) daily journal. I hope you all enjoy it.

Doug had 4 teeth pulled out Monday afternoon. Tuesday was rough and today he is so much better. The poor kids were pretty freaked out because Doug swelled up so bad and he was in so much pain. Of course I took the opportunity to scare the hell out of them and tell them that this is what happens when they don't brush their teeth very good or long enough. I never claimed to be mother of the year.

Bob and I are planning a kind of surprise party for my mom's 50th birthday. It's kind of a surprise because we are not going to tell her that 20 some people are going to her house for a party until the day before...SURPRISE! I know she will love it. I'll keep you all posted.

The kids are doing well. Matthew is still very much wrapped up with his superheros. I find it very cute and heart warming at the fact he looks up to them so much. I guess that is why they were created. Of course he takes very literal, but he loves all the good guys and wants to be a superhero when he grows up. I tell him he will be. Michael on the other hand is...he is his aunts nephew. They are truly cut from the same cloth, lord help me. He has a friend who is religious. Michael has been very curious about god (God? Is it a proper name?). He asked us the other day if god (see question above) created us, then who created god? Talk about a stumper. Then he told us his friend had been on vacation. We asked where, and he simply answered, "Europe." It was very funny. He said it so nonchantly, like Europe is just right around the corner.
I think I should answer what I am grateful for. I am grateful for the love and support of my family. I feel the happiest and safest when we are all together. I loved the trip to Red River and the time in Minnesota. I am grateful for all of you...I love you.